Author Archives: marlene phillips

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St. Kitts and Nevis has energetically embarked upon the 2nd phase of a UNESCO-funded cultural heritage project entitled: ‘Safeguarding St. Kitts and Nevis Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) – Developing a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Policy

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Basseterre, St. Kitts (St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO): On Thursday this week, stakeholders in the St. Kitts and Nevis’ Man and Biosphere reserve site in St. Mary’s (Cayon) received some good news from the Federation’s Ambassador to UNESCO. He announced the provision of major capacity-building assistance from the UNESCO’s Earth Network programme.

Comments Off on COMMUNITY CORNER Aug 1 2022 Vol 5.Issue 1 – Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs

The Ministry of Social Development and Gender Affairs is dedicated to serving vulnerable popula- tions through advocacy, education, empowerment and enhancement of individuals, families and communities through evidence-based and customer-oriented programmes that promote equity, growth and development, regardless of race and culture.

Comments Off on Nevis Historical and Conservation Society Quarterly Newsletter June 2022

Dear Members and friends,  We’re delighted to share with you our second Quarterly Newsletter for 2022. Inside you can read all about the important work happening in our Archives, as well as information about our numerous projects and activities, staff news, and fundraising for 2022. As always, we appreciate your feedback. We thank you for your continued support to help us Protect and Promote the Historical, Cultural and Natural Resources of Nevis!

Comments Off on SASHA HERBERT – ARTISTIC PAINTER SKNCIR Member (St. Kitts) 09/01/2018: Visual Arts

Sasha Herbert’s Biography It feels like it was just yesterday when I decided to officially launch my personal brand – Sasha, The Artist. That sense of fear from being met with new ventures, challenges and different responsibilities on the 25th day of December, 2015, is still very close to me; but, they are the reason of who I am today. I am Sasha Herbert, the 22 year old Entrepreneur behind Sasha, The Artist residing in […]